Tag Archives: David T. Scott

5 Ways to Befriend Your CFO

Previously, I spoke about aligning yourself with the CIO. That worked, didn’t it? Well, you can thank me later (for the record, I’m a sucker for fruit baskets…).

The road to CMO stardom doesn’t end at the CIO’s office, though. You should consider making another stop a few doors down (or boxes across on the organization’s flowchart) to talk to someone else who can help in making the journey a smooth one. That’s right. It’s time to make another new friend—the CFO.

Goal-Setting, Planning, and Testing: The Importance of Managing Your Lead-Generation Strategy

Learning how to use lead-generation marketing to your advantage requires planning and forethought. You need to think through your management strategy before beginning efforts to improve lead generation in your company. By setting goals, creating a plan to adopt new tactics, and testing the results, you can measure how the company’s investment of budget and time helps increase the number of leads and sales
Developing a Strategy and Setting Goals

Developing a good lead-generation strategy begins with setting goals …

CMO Talks: 5 Ways to Befriend Your CIO

CMOs are naturally very friendly and outgoing so we tend to have a lot of friends. No, really, it’s a known fact. The thing is, we can have all the friends we want, but are they the right ones?

Just like in our personal lives there are some relationships in the business world that are worth courting more than others – ones that “complete us” as business professionals. As CMOs we just might be overlooking the one person who, today, could be the most critical to our success—the chief information officer.

4 Reasons Why SEM Is Better Than SEO

What SEO is justifiably famous for is its ability to convince the search engines–the algorithms that index your website–that your webpage is the most relevant one for the keywords being searched. For years, strong SEO has been every marketer’s go-to tactic. But even while you’ve grown more adept, search engines have grown increasingly complex. These days, you can’t just optimize and sit back.

CMO Talks: Goodbye LinkedIn Products and Services, Hello Showcases

On Monday, LinkedIn did away with “Products” and “Services” pages on all LinkedIn Company Pages. These pages are where companies described their products and services for the benefit of potential customers, and if you had them on your company’s LinkedIn page, they’re either gone or about to be deleted.

LinkedIn is replacing the “Products” and “Services” pages with “Showcase” pages. Each LinkedIn Company Page can have up to 10 “Showcase” pages, and these will be used to highlight your company’s products or services.