Tag Archives: Book

5 Ways to Befriend Your CFO

Previously, I spoke about aligning yourself with the CIO. That worked, didn’t it? Well, you can thank me later (for the record, I’m a sucker for fruit baskets…).

The road to CMO stardom doesn’t end at the CIO’s office, though. You should consider making another stop a few doors down (or boxes across on the organization’s flowchart) to talk to someone else who can help in making the journey a smooth one. That’s right. It’s time to make another new friend—the CFO.

4 Reasons Why SEM Is Better Than SEO

What SEO is justifiably famous for is its ability to convince the search engines–the algorithms that index your website–that your webpage is the most relevant one for the keywords being searched. For years, strong SEO has been every marketer’s go-to tactic. But even while you’ve grown more adept, search engines have grown increasingly complex. These days, you can’t just optimize and sit back.